Saturday, August 20, 2011


As you can see I have not been able to write for some time. My wife and I have been involved with her mother’s needs over the past six months. My Mother-in-law was 95 years old, living on her own still until March 2011 and then she went on to be with the Lord just a few weeks ago. Unfortunately, that left my wife and me to deal with her last physical belongings, such as her home and furnishings. Michele is finally home here in the north country and we are trying to get things back to normal.
            In spite of the hectic spring and summer, I was able to get in a few fishing excursions. Both saltwater and freshwater fishing was good each time I went out. While on Long Island, I did get the chance to fish for both Blues and Strippers. Both were migrating through the inlet where I was and they seemed to be quite hungry. 

(cocktail size - just right for table)
            Only caught a couple of the strippers and they were released because they were short, but they still put up a fight. I did see a couple of forty plus inch strippers, one being taken by a scuba diver and his speargun.
            The Blues were much more accommodating! We caught them from snapper size on up to cocktail and chopper size. Needless to say, we had a number of fresh fish fries this summer. My grandkids enjoyed catching the snappers. The two middle grandsons are both becoming quite proficient with the spinning rods and reels. They are about 7 and 9 years of age. They were both able to throw the snapper poppers out with no trouble and then land their own fish.

(grandsons with snapper blues)

            Back up here in the north country, I only got out a couple of times. But the action has been pretty good this year. Frank Abel Jr. and I went out in the narrows of the Chateaugay Lakes looking for bass. We found a few, a couple that might have pushed the legal limit. They all went back in of course. We did find a few eager yellow perch.
            On one cast, Frank hooked into a big fish and the battle was on. He fought the fish for a few minutes before it came around the bow of the canoe to where I could see it. I saw immediately that he did not have a bass on his line. 
(Frank's first Northern Pike)
            After about ten minutes of battle, he finally landed a nice Northern Pike. This was the first pike that he had ever caught and, for a first one, it was nice. So there was some success in the fishing department this summer. In spite of heat waves and humid days, we still had some fine fishing.
            Talking with a number of my fishing buddies, they all report they had quite a bit of success this summer. Hope you had the time to get out on the water as well.

1 comment:

  1. It’s nice to know that you were still able to make time for fishing in spite of your busy schedule. What did you do this 2012 summer, anyway? I’d love to see your photos! I’m pretty sure it was another unique summer experience.

    >Melanie Daryl
