Sunday, September 4, 2011


During the past week I worked on a few chores trying to get them out of the way before the fall hunting seasons begin. One such chore was the splitting of some of the winter wood. 

(tools of the trade)
               I usually use a hydraulic splitter, but this year decided to split, at least some of the wood pile, using sledge hammer and wedges. It is not because I am particularly fond of physical torture, but thought this might be an alternate form of physical exercise. Since much of my work does not entail physical labor, it was a nice change in routine.
            Most of the wood pile is hardwood that has aged about a year now. Just right for splitting and ready for burning as fuel. There is a bit of softwood in the pile as well, but that burns too.

(block by block, the stack grows)
          Once you begin such a task, you often fall into a rhythm that allows for some philosophical thought. Unlike the hydraulic splitter, where you had better keep you full attention on the work at all times, with the wedge and hammer you are able to let your thoughts wander a bit while splitting.
            I don’t recall coming up with any earth shattering thoughts but it wasn’t long before I noticed that my pile of split wood was growing. All total, I think I split a little over a cord of wood in a very short period of time. The best part of the experience was that I didn’t have any aches and pains usually associated with such labor. I think I will finish up, this one wood pile anyway, with the hammer and wedges. It was actually fun and I got that much needed exercise.